Lapointe Insurance | Insurance Company Sample Mon, 25 Jun 2018 19:38:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Firework Coverage & Safety Tips! Mon, 25 Jun 2018 19:38:50 +0000 A longtime, extremely popular summer rite is to enjoy setting off fireworks, especially around the 4th of July. However, it’s important to think before striking a match or using a lighter on your first firecracker, sparkler, smoke-bomb, bottle rocket or other forms of incendiary entertainment. For all their fun, fireworks are capable of causing serious injuries to persons and substantial damage to property. Such losses can have substantial financial consequences, so it’s important to know whether you are insured in the event you cause a fireworks accident.


Imagine you are setting off some fireworks in your driveway for your children and their friends. Suddenly, a sparkler you gave to a neighbor’s child violently flares up, burning her hand and face.


While setting off some bottle rockets, one smashes through a window of a house across the street. The rocket sets the home’s living room curtains on fire. It then spreads to the carpeting and the room’s furnishings. The local fire department responds, putting out the fire. There are thousands of dollars in damage caused by fire and water.

In the first example, your Homeowners Policy could cover her injuries a couple of ways. If the injuries are minor, her medical treatment could be handled under the Medical Payments portion. However, if the child’s injuries are more serious and her parents sue, your policy’s liability portion should handle your legal defense as well as a legal judgment.

In the latter example, one could be found negligent for causing the fire and subsequent damage. A homeowner’s policy usually handles claims such as these. However, you should also be aware of limitations which will be covered below.

We’ve discussed that a homeowners policy may be available to handle losses involving fireworks. However, this is not always the case as there are instances where your homeowner policy does not offer coverage.

  • Legal Issue

If it’s illegal for you to set off fireworks, this legal hurdle could result in any loss being excluded by the policy.

  • Business Issue

A homeowner’s policy is meant to handle losses related to owning and living in a home, there’s no coverage for a person who uses their home for making, selling, storing or distributing fireworks. Any business activity involving fireworks is going to cause a big problem if a loss occurs.

  • Who Is Injured Issue

Injuries to yourself or others in your household are not covered because Medical Payments and Liability coverage is designed to handle loss suffered by persons outside of your household.

  • Intentional Loss Issue

If an injury or damage to property is not an accident, there’s no coverage. Tossing a firecracker or aiming a bottle rocket at another person could be considered deliberate, even when no injury was intended. Deliberate acts and their consequences are commonly excluded by homeowner’s policies.

So when dealing with fireworks, make sure they’re legal, that they’re used carefully and only for entertainment. Then your chances are good that any loss may also be covered.


Motorcycle Coverage & Safety Tips Tue, 15 May 2018 14:23:23 +0000 Though not, typically, as expensive as cars, motorcycles still are a large investment and should be protected by insurance, particularly when money has been borrowed in order to buy them. Below are typical coverage’s found in motorcycle insurance policies:

Collision coverage–This covers damage to your own vehicle that happens when your vehicle runs into another object, such as other vehicles, trees, light poles, mountains, etc.

Other Than Collision coverage–This also covers damage to your own vehicle that is due to sources such as fire, theft, hitting an animal, vandalism, earthquake, flood or hail. Unlike liability coverage, both Collision and Other Than Collision coverages are subject to deductibles, the amount of a claim that the policy owner must pay. Deductibles are meant to eliminate an insurer having to pay for very minor losses.

Special Parts and Accessories–This coverage may be part of a cycle insurer’s basic coverage or, quite often, an optional coverage. Typically it pays for loss involving damage to custom equipment that is added to a cycle rather than what is provided by the cycle manufacturer.

Medical Payments–This coverage typically handles medical expenses for injuries to you while operating your cycle.

Roadside Assistance–This coverage is to help pay for your costs to deal with a disabled cycle, helping to pay for it to be transported to a location for repairs of to assist with the cost for any repair or service that occurs at the location of the cycle’s breakdown. However, this coverage is for labor rather than the costs of parts.

Remember the above information only touches upon some typical insurance issues. It’s always wise to contact your agent and discuss your coverage questions and needs in detail.

Motorcycles are an amazing way to travel, making even commuting adventurous. But motorcycles share the roads with vehicles that dwarf them. They also lack the protective shells of cars and trucks, so motorcyclists are far more vulnerable to serious, even fatal injuries. In order to minimize the danger, there are steps that all motorcyclists should take:

Pre-Motorcycle Season

Make sure that, after being parked and stored, the cycle is in good condition. That means:

  • Checking lights and signals
  • Testing brakes
  • Checking fuel and oils
  • Make sure all cables and chains are in working order (also properly lube chains)

This is also the ideal time to see if you have the proper outfit and gear for riding. Light colors, sturdy fabrics, protective footwear, padded jackets and, of course, a proper helmet. Another thing to consider if you are inexperienced or if it has been a long time since you have operated a cycle is a brush-up safety course.

During Motorcycle Season

  • Adjust your driving to driving conditions, especially poor weather
  • Always wear correct clothing and gear
  • Brake properly – especially avoid braking while making turns
  • Don’t drive beyond your skills
  • Keep alert – make sure that others on the road are aware of you. Stay out of their blind spots and take care when changing lanes and passing other vehicles
  • Obey traffic laws – Complying with speed limits and road warnings is important. Also, NO tailgating!
  • Stay focused on your cycle – driving distractions are even more dangerous for motorcyclists


Few things are as much fun as motorcycles, but ride them safely!


Your Guide To Boat Insurance Wed, 18 Apr 2018 20:31:12 +0000 The insurance approach for covering boats and boating property is quite similar to what is used to protect cars and homes. Essentially insurance is offered on a package basis, meaning that there is coverage for physical property as well as protection against the legal and financial consequences of injuring others or damaging property that belongs to others. Many are unaware of how great of a risk an uninsured boat can be. Below are some basics on what is covered and why.

Property Coverage – Typically a boat owner’s policy covers:

  • Boats – Refers to property designed to travel on water and includes sails, its permanent equipment, spars and fittings.
  • Boating Equipment – Includes a wide variety of property that is used in conjunction with boats and it includes accessories. Items considered as equipment are property used for communication (radios), navigation, sonar, radar, outboard motors, dinghies, skis and sports equipment (recreational flotation devices) that are towed by boats and similar property. As a rule of thumb, the more related an item is to the ownership and use of a boat, the greater the justification to classify it as boating equipment.
  • Boat Trailers – Trailers used (and designed) for transporting boats (as defined by the policy).


This property must be owned by the person who is named as the policyholder. There are limited instances when such property that is temporarily in the policyholder’s possession also qualifies for coverage.

Items and situations that aren’t covered include boating property that is used in business activity, losses that involve races or competitions (an exception is made for sailboats) and boats that are used, full-time, as residences.

Liability Coverage – Besides protecting boating property, a boat owners policy also responds to claims or lawsuits caused when another person is injured, and /or when another person’s property is damaged or destroyed. An example of this would be a collision where the owner of a large speedboat collides with a person on a jet ski, seriously injuring the rider and (or) demolishing the jet ski. The policy would handle both portions of such a loss. The liability portion would also provide a legal defense against lawsuits.

Another important coverage under the liability section is medical payments. This provides reimbursement for, typically, emergency or immediate medical treatment expense. Consider a person who slips on a boat deck and needs transportation to an emergency for treatment of a broken bone or concussion. Such costs would qualify under medical payments.

As is the case with property coverage, there are liability situations that are NOT covered by a boat owner’s policy, including losses that involve business activity, transmission of communicable disease, unauthorized operation of boating property, intentional acts, and criminal activity.

Boating property is a substantial investment and boat owner’s coverage is an efficient, affordable way to guard against accidental losses.


Give us a call before putting your boat in the water this season, so that you can cruise along free from worry!


10 Tips to Fire Pit Safety Fri, 30 Mar 2018 15:40:26 +0000 Spring is finally here in New England and people everywhere are anxiously waiting to resume outdoor activities, including lighting up a fire to sit around on a nice spring night!



Many homeowners love the simplicity and effectiveness of using fire pits as a way to enhance the looks and the usefulness of their homes’ outdoor space. Fire pits are great for entertaining during cooler spring days and nights and have grown increasingly popular throughout the years. They could be portable units, simple dirt areas, encircled with rocks, or complex and expensive custom built structures.

Their recreational usefulness and ability to enhance outside livability comes with a danger. Fires are lit in these portable or permanent areas and should be monitored at all times. When fire loses containment, serious injuries and damage can result. So, consider the danger to persons and property, and what measures fire pit owners should take to minimize losses.



Here are 10 Tips to consider before lighting a backyard fire this spring:

  1. If you use a portable fire pit, it must be placed on a level, non-flammable (concrete, brick, gravel, etc.) surface
  2. If you install a permanent fire pit, its location must meet local ordinances regarding its placement, including the need of a site inspection
  3. Any fire pit should be at least ten feet aware from structures, flammable property and overhanging branches
  4. Take consideration of weather conditions such as drought and wind before lighting fires
  5. Do not use accelerants (gas, kerosene, lighter fluid) to start fires.
  6. Only seasoned hardwoods with the proper size (logs in proportion to pit size) should be used
  7. Never use fire pits to burn cardboard, paper, plywood or trash
  8. Fire extinguishing equipment or materials should be kept nearby
  9. Carefully supervise children when using a fire pit
  10. When extinguishing, be sure there are no glowing embers that could ignite before heading in for the night
Do I need Flood Insurance if I don’t live near the coast? Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:36:44 +0000 Get a Massachusetts or Rhode Island Flood Insurance Quote

Do I need FLOOD INSURANCE if I don’t live near the coast?

Flooded Neighborhood

Floods can happen anywhere. More than 20 percent of flood claims come from properties outside the high risk flood zones.  All banks require flood insurance for property located in high risk zones A or V.


While home insurance policies in Massachusetts and Rhode Island do cover water damage from faulty plumbing systems, leaky hot water tanks or water damage from roof leaks, all home policies specifically exclude coverage for floods even for flooding from a hurricane.

If you live in a moderate- or low-risk area, flood insurance might not be mandatory — but it is advisable, as many victims of last year’s record flooding in Texas can attest.

Who offers flood insurance and what does it cover?

In selecting flood coverage in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, there are two basic options:

National Flood Insurance Program: The NFIP is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), with coverage limits capped at $250,000 for your home and $100,000 for belongings.

Private Flood Insurance: If you live in a high-risk zone, you can get higher coverage limits with private flood insurance — typically up to $800,000 for your home, and $250,000 for belongings.

We have been successful in finding lower flood insurance premiums in the Private Flood Insurance market for property in either the Preferred or low risk flood zones of B, C or X and in the A – AE zones.

The Private Flood Insurance market has not been as competitive in the most hazardous flood zones V (the V describes the velocity of water that may cause extensive damage).  They are doing extensive risk analysis of a property before offering coverage.

How do I determine my flood risk?

We can do a flood zone determination for you and provide a quote for this important coverage. Preferred Risk policy premiums are often less than $500 per year.


What is insured under a Massachusetts or Rhode Island flood policy?

Building Property coverage includes:

  • The insured building and its foundation.
  • The electrical and plumbing systems.
  • Central air-conditioning equipment, furnaces, and water heaters.
  • Refrigerators, cooking stoves, and built-in appliances such as dishwashers.
  • Permanently installed carpeting over an unfinished floor. (not in basements)
  • Permanently installed paneling,wallboard, bookcases, and cabinets and window blinds.
  • Debris removal.


Personal Property coverage includes:

  • Personal belongings such as clothing, furniture, and electronic equipment.
  • Portable and window air conditioners.
  • Portable microwave ovens and portable dishwashers.
  • Carpets not included in building coverage (see above).
  • Clothes washers and dryers, Food freezers and the food in them.
  • Certain valuable items such as original artwork and furs (up to $2,500).

Unfortunately Massachusetts and Rhode Island Flood insurance coverage is limited in areas below the lowest elevated floor (including crawl spaces) depending on the flood zone and date of construction and in basements regardless of zone, or date of construction.


Other Resources:

RI Flood Insurance

FEMA Flood Map Service Center:

FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program:

How can I pay less for FLOOD Insurance?

FEMA’s Flood Mitigation Resources:

Elevating your house:

Get a Massachusetts or Rhode Island Flood Insurance Quote

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Partners of Lapointe | The Black Whale Fri, 03 Nov 2017 01:09:18 +0000 Introducing The Black Whale Restaurant in New Bedford Massachusetts.

The Black Whale is a Contemporary bar & eatery serving innovative seafood & raw shellfish amid harbor views.

Located in the heart of the New Bedford Waterfront Pier 3 The Black Whale specializes in the freshest Raw Bar & Seafood New England has to offer. Straight from the local boats to their kitchen to your plate.

The Black Whale also carries a fine, extensive, and exclusive selection in Bourbons, Scotches and Whiskeys.

Sporting a gorgeous interior, the dining room is Brightly lit, warm, and inviting. Large prints of vintage 19th century photos of the area show how proud The Black Whale is of its New Bedford home.

If you are Looking for an upscale night out, you don’t have to travel to Providence or Boston. This high-end eatery provides the food and atmosphere you are looking for while paying respect to New Bedford and the South Coast

With seafood straight off of the docks and produce from local farms, visit the Black Whale today to Support local and enjoy excellence.

The Black Whale is open Sunday through Thursday 11:30am – 9pm and from 11:30am – 10pm on Friday and Saturday. The Black Whale is located at 106 Pier 3 in New Bedford, MA. You can reach them at (508) 990-7100 or send a message here: Don’t forget to check out their Facebook Page for more info.

Choosing the Best Vehicle for your Teen Thu, 05 Oct 2017 12:24:26 +0000 To make an insurance plan for your teen driver, click here

For years, the IIHS has been the best source of safety ratings for new vehicles. However not all vehicles listed as a TOP SAFETY PICK or TOP SAFETY PICK+ (especially brand new ones) are within a family’s budget. In fact, 83 percent of parents who bought a car for their teen last year got a used one, according to a national survey conducted for the IIHS (see background research).

Since most families are going to be buying used cars, the IIHS comes out with a list of affordable used vehicles that meet important safety standards for inexperienced drivers. Within these lists, there are two different tiers, “best choices” and “good choices”. The prices will vary between $2,000 and nearly $20,000 so they are able to cater to a wide ranging budget.

What makes a car safe?

The IIHS defines safety by these four main principles:

  • Less horsepower is better for young drivers. Being able to go fast is not seen as a good thing for teen drivers.
  • Bigger, Heavier, Slower, Better. Beginning to see a trend here? A big, slower vehicle is always going to be safer in a collision, and HLDI studies show that teens are less likely to crash them in the first place. You’ll notice on the recommended list that there are no small cars.
  • They should have Electronic stability control (ESC). This feature, will help a driver keep control of the vehicle on icy or wet roads, reducing the risk of an accident.
  • The higher the safety rating, the better the car. At the very least, a good rating in the IIHS moderate overlap front, side, and head restraint tests and 4 out of 5 stars from the at a minimum from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Check for recalls

Before buying, check the car’s VIN number to see if there are any outstanding recalls. After buying, register your vehicle with the manufacturer to stay in the loop about any future recalls. NHTSA is another great resource for vehicle owners to check on any recalls or issues.

For more information, see “Smart picks for new drivers: IIHS updates criteria for recommended used vehicles” (April 2017).

The following lists are provided by the IIHS and we put them here for your convenience. For the original content, visit

BEST CHOICES: recommended used vehicles for teens starting under $20,000

Vehicles on this list earn good ratings in the IIHS moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint tests and good or acceptable ratings in the small overlap front test. If rated by NHTSA, they earn 4 or 5 stars overall or 4 or 5 stars in the front and side tests under the old rating scheme. All come with standard ESC.

All listed vehicles start under $20,000. Prices, provided by Kelley Blue Book and rounded to the nearest $100, are from March 1, 2017, for the lowest trim level and earliest applicable model year. The estimates are based on the following criteria: vehicle in good condition, typical mileage and private party purchase in Arlington, Va.

Note: Some listed models include a “built after” date. This applies when a manufacturer makes changes to improve safety in the middle of a model year. Information about when a specific vehicle was manufactured can be found on the certification label typically affixed to the driver door or near it.

Volvo S80 2007 and newer $4,000
Toyota Avalon 2015 and newer $18,800
Infiniti M37/M56/Q70 2013 and newer $19,800
Dodge Avenger 2011-14 $5,300
Chrysler 200 sedan 2011 and newer $5,900
Kia Optima 2011 and newer $7,600
Volkswagen Passat 2013 and newer; built after October 2012 $8,700
Volkswagen Jetta 2015 and newer $9,200
Nissan Altima sedan 2013 and newer; built after November 2012 $9,500
Ford Fusion 2013 and newer; built after December 2012 $9,600
Volvo S60 2011 and newer; price is for 2012, which had lower trim level available $9,800
Subaru Legacy 2013 and newer; built after August 2012 $10,700
Chevrolet Malibu 2014 and newer $10,900
Honda Accord sedan and coupe 2013 and newer $11,100
Toyota Camry 2014 and newer; built after December 2013 $11,200
Mazda 6 2014 and newer $11,400
Hyundai Sonata 2015 and newer $11,900
Acura TL 2012-14; built after April 2012 $12,400
Lincoln MKZ 2013 and newer $13,300
Subaru Outback 2013 and newer; built after August 2012 $13,600
Chevrolet Malibu Limited 2016 $13,700
Toyota Prius v 2015 and newer $16,300
Volvo V60 2015 and newer $18,400
Audi A3 2015 and newer $18,500
Infiniti Q50 2014-15 $19,100
Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2011 and newer $6,900
Mitsubishi Outlander 2014 and newer $10,700
Chevrolet Trax 2015 and newer $11,800
Fiat 500X 2016 and newer; built after July 2015 $12,600
Nissan Rogue 2014 and newer $12,900
Buick Encore 2015 and newer $13,800
Subaru Forester 2014 and newer $14,900
Honda CR-V 2015 and newer $15,600
Hyundai Tucson 2016 and newer $16,000
Toyota RAV4 2015 and newer $16,000
Mazda CX-3 2016 and newer $16,600
Volvo XC90 2005 and newer $2,500
Ford Flex 2010 and newer; built after January 2010 $7,200
Chevrolet Equinox 2014 and newer $12,100
GMC Terrain 2014 and newer $13,300
Nissan Pathfinder 2015 and newer $15,800
Kia Sorento 2016 and newer $16,500
Volvo XC60 2013 and newer $16,500
Ford Edge 2015 and newer; built after May 2015 $17,400
Nissan Murano 2015 and newer $19,100
Kia Sedona 2015 and newer $14,700
Honda Odyssey 2014 and newer $16,100
Toyota Sienna 2015 and newer $18,100
Toyota Tundra extended cab (Double Cab) 2014 and newer $15,600

GOOD CHOICES: recommended used vehicles for teens starting under $10,000

Vehicles on this list earn good ratings in the IIHS moderate overlap front, side and head restraint tests. If rated by NHTSA, they earn 4 or 5 stars overall or 4 or 5 stars in the front and side tests under the old rating scheme. All come with standard ESC.

All listed vehicles start under $10,000. Prices, provided by Kelley Blue Book and rounded to the nearest $100, are from March 1, 2017, for the lowest trim level and earliest applicable model year. The estimates are based on the following criteria: vehicle in good condition, typical mileage and private party purchase in Arlington, Va.

Note: Some listed models include a “built after” date. This applies when a manufacturer makes changes to improve safety in the middle of a model year. Information about when a specific vehicle was manufactured can be found on the certification label typically affixed to the driver door or near it.

Ford Taurus 2009 and newer $4,300
Mercury Sable 2009 $4,600
Audi A6 2007 and newer $5,600
Toyota Avalon 2009-14 $6,500
Buick LaCrosse 2010 and newer $7,500
Lincoln MKS 2009 and newer $7,800
Buick Regal 2011 and newer $8,000
Saab 9-5 2010-11 $9,700
Acura RL 2009 and newer $9,900
Saab 9-3 2005-11 $2,000
Suzuki Kizashi 2010-13 $3,600
Volkswagen Jetta sedan and wagon 2009-14 $3,900
Audi A4 sedan and wagon 2007 and newer; built after July 2006 $4,100
Volkswagen Passat sedan and wagon 2009-12 $4,500
Mercury Milan 2010-11 $5,200
Volkswagen CC 2009 and newer $5,200
Ford Fusion 2010-12 $5,300
Subaru Legacy 2009-12 $5,400
Volvo C30 2008-13 $5,400
Audi A3 2008-13 $5,700
Chevrolet Malibu 2010-13 $5,800
Honda Accord sedan 2008-12 $5,900
BMW 3-series sedan 2009 and newer $6,700
Lincoln MKZ 2010-12 $6,900
Hyundai Sonata 2011-14 $7,200
Subaru Outback 2010-12 $7,700
Acura TSX 2009-14 $8,300
Acura TL 2009-11 $8,400
Buick Verano 2012-15 $8,600
Mercedes-Benz C-Class 2009 and newer $8,600
Toyota Camry 2012-13 $9,100
Mitsubishi Outlander 2007-13 $3,900
Nissan Rogue 2008-13 $4,400
Subaru Forester 2007-13 $4,400
Ford Escape 2009 and newer $4,900
Mazda Tribute 2009-11 $4,900
Mercury Mariner 2009-11 $5,100
Honda Element 2007-11 $5,300
Honda CR-V 2007-14 $5,400
Volkswagen Tiguan 2009 and newer $5,800
Toyota RAV4 2009-14 $7,000
Hyundai Tucson 2010-15 $7,500
Kia Sportage 2011 and newer $7,700
Ford Taurus X 2008-09 $3,700
Saturn Vue 2008-09; built after December 2007 $4,000
Honda Pilot 2006 and newer $4,000
Hyundai Santa Fe 2007 and newer $4,300
Subaru Tribeca/B9 Tribeca 2006-14 $4,700
Ford Edge 2007-14 $5,200
Dodge Journey 2010 and newer $5,400
Hyundai Veracruz 2008-12 $5,700
Nissan Murano 2009-14 $5,900
Ford Flex 2009 $6,100
Acura RDX 2007 and newer $6,900
Chevrolet Equinox 2010-13 $6,900
GMC Terrain 2010-13 $7,100
Lincoln MKX 2007 and newer $7,100
BMW X3 2008 and newer $7,300
Mercedes-Benz M-Class 2007-15 $7,700
Toyota Highlander 2008 and newer $8,100
Honda Crosstour 2010-15 $8,200
Infiniti EX 2008-13 $8,200
Volvo XC60 2010-12 $8,200
Acura MDX 2007 and newer $8,300
Kia Sorento 2011-15 $8,400
Toyota Venza 2009-15 $8,400
BMW X5 2008-13 $8,600
Saturn Outlook 2008-09; built after March 2008 $5,000
Chevrolet Traverse 2009 and newer $6,300
GMC Acadia 2008 and newer; built after March 2008 $6,900
Buick Enclave 2008 and newer; built after March 2008 $7,300
Audi Q7 2008 and newer; built after December 2007 $9,100
Mercedes-Benz R-Class 2009-12; built after September 2008 $9,100
Kia Sedona 2006-14 $2,500
Hyundai Entourage 2007-08 $3,300
Honda Odyssey 2008-13 $4,800
Volkswagen Routan 2010-12 $5,600
Chrysler Town & Country 2010 and newer; built after March 2010 $6,100
Dodge Grand Caravan 2010 and newer; built after March 2010 $6,100
Nissan Quest 2011 and newer $8,500
Toyota Tundra extended cab (Double Cab) 2007-13 $8,400
Ford F-150 crew cab (SuperCrew) 2009 and newer $9,800


To make an insurance plan for your teen driver, click here

How Insurance Saved Banks from Losing $250 Million During Prohibition Tue, 03 Oct 2017 20:11:13 +0000 Many stories have been written about the Eighteenth Amendment to the constitution and its eventual repeal 13 years later. Most agree that the results of “prohibition” were disastrous. Federal tax revenues plummeted, hospitality businesses foundered, and criminal enterprises flourished. One side of the story that rarely gets discussed however is how insurance and banking played a role in the period leading up to passage of the amendment and the early years of its implementation.

Whiskey Insurance Prohibition

Warehousing and transportation are key components of the current American economy, and the same could be said for the early twentieth century. Then, as now, products were being shipped across the country in large volumes with significant monetary value. Owners of inventory typically use bank loans to finance the production, storage and transportation of the product until it is sold. Banks issuing such credit require the owners to provide “warehouse receipts”, or written evidence of the goods being held in a warehouse. In the case of a particularly valuable, or regulated product such as liquor, the banks would further require that the warehouse be “bonded”. In most cases bonds are issued by an insurance company in a legal process referred to as surety. The insurance company agrees (for a fee) to guarantee the financial pledge the owner of the property is making to some third party. If the owner defaults, the insurance company is required to make restitution to the third party.

Records of the US Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry from June of 1918 provide detail of the extent of bank’s commitments to the liquor industry. Percy H Johnston, VP of Chemical National Bank of NY testified that there were between 200 and 250 million gallons of liquor stored in bonded warehouses representing a value of $500 million. Against this was approximately $250 million in credit issued by US banks. The bankers feared that quick passage of laws implementing the prohibition of liquor would render this credit worthless and result in the failure of many small banks. It seems nothing was in fact done to specifically address this issue in the eventual implementation of the law. In 1920 the Bulletin of the American Warehousemen’s Association, Vol 21 quoted Federal Reserve Board Chairman William P.G. Harding; “[the U.S. Attorney General] has ruled that warehouse receipts covering whiskey in bond may under certain circumstances be legally bought and sold. Whether or not a bank will make a loan upon a note secured in that manner is a question which, of course must be determined by the bank itself in each case”.

Whiskey Insurance Prohibition

By January of 1922 (two years after ratification of the amendment) there remained 38 million gallons in 304 bonded warehouses. 80% of the stock was in reality owned by banks who held warehouse receipts for the spirits but had no control over it under prohibition laws. Congress passed the Concentration Act in Feb 1922 allowing spirits to be moved for bottling and storage, and empowered the IRS to write regulations ensuring the payment of taxes on the spirits. The Transportation and Warehousing bond Form 1522 was required by the IRS ruling, ensuring that requirements of the law were complied with and taxes would be paid. Insurance companies provided financial surety using the IRS bond. As a result the value of the warehouse receipts held by banks did not crash, and they continued to be bought and traded by investors and speculators who envisioned the eventual repeal of Prohibition.

Insurance companies provided underwriting expertise to profitably assume the risk of default among whisky warehouses, allowing banks to properly collateralize their loans during the “dry days” of prohibition.

William Lapointe MBA,CPCU

5 Reasons to Consider Purchasing Flood Insurance Fri, 08 Sep 2017 19:32:43 +0000 It’s hurricane season, and as we’ve seen recently the cost of one of these storms can be catastrophic. In light of recent events we thought it would be wise to put out some information regarding flood insurance. Shockingly, about 80% of Hurricane Harvey victims do not have flood insurance. That means families with flooded basements, soaked furniture and water-damaged walls will have to dig deep into their pockets or take on more debt to fix up their homes. Some may be forced to sell, if they can, and leave their communities. Most people believe that flood insurance is only important if you live in unsafe areas near bodies of water. However, every home owner and commercial property owner should at least consider purchasing flood insurance. There are so many reasons to consider getting flood insurance if you live in MA or RI; here are 5 reasons that you may not have known about previously.

Floods are the most common Natural Disaster: Experts reveal a very interesting fact about flood insurance; they say that almost 25% of claims for flood damage are made by people living in low to moderate danger zones. The fact is that flood related disasters don’t always originate from rivers or other large bodies of water. They may happen due to poor drainage systems, broken water mains or rapid rainfall that lead to serious and extensive damage to properties.

Homeowner policies do not include flood damages:
Few of you may be aware of the fact that most home owner insurance policies do not provide assistance for flood related damages. Therefore, if you face any loss after flood then you have to bear all the cost for repair and restoration out of pocket. Especially, those who are living in an unsafe zone are advised to purchase a flood insurance policy.

Flood Losses can cause large financial loss:
Most people have a common misconception that flood damages are not very costly unless the entire house is flooded. But studies reveal that even small water damage can lead to an expense as high as up to $20,000 or even more, flood insurance would of course cover this cost.

They are reasonable solutions:The premiums for flood insurance policies in Rhode Island and Massachusetts are very reasonable, especially if you are not in a flood zone. To apply for a flood insurance policy you simply need to provide some details about yourself and your property (Contents, age, location etc.)

The Federal Government will not guarantee you any help for flood damage:
Floods can bring serious risks to anyone who owns property in coastal areas like Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Therefore it is good to take few protective steps towards your home or commercial property and get it insured. Flood insurance is a reasonable solution that will help protect your property. The Federal government does not cover flood related risks for people who don’t live in a flood zone, and only limited coverage for those who do, so it is good to search few trustworthy insurance service providers and get your property insured fast.

Taking this all into account, it makes a lot of sense to consider purchasing a flood insurance policy. If you own a house or a commercial property in the coastal area then flood insurance policy is an essential purchase. The professionals at Lapointe Insurance advise can help provide you with a quote to protect your property, and give you the advice you need to ensure your loved ones are safe.

Mortgage Monday: Why is the Housing Market Hot? Mon, 14 Aug 2017 14:07:27 +0000 Welcome to another Mortgage Monday, where we feature real estate professionals to discuss common questions faced when applying for a mortgage or buying a home. Today, we talk with Ken Mongeon from KAM Realty about why the housing market has been so hot lately. Watch the video below or you can read the transcription. If you would like to submit your own question, you can send and email to me at, on our Facebook Page, or contact us through the website.



John: Hey welcome back everybody, John Lapointe here your host from Lapointe insurance here with another Mortgage Monday. We’re once again at KAM realty, drinking the Mongeon Juice with the man himself, Ken Mongeon. We’re coming at you with some more tips on buying homes, selling homes. One of the things we’re getting asked right now is why is the market so hot? Ken, why is it such a busy real estate market, everyone’s talking about it.

Ken: It’s been busy for probably over a year and a half and the reality is that because there’s still low interest rates, they’ve been low for a while, there’s a lot of pent up demand, a lot of consumer confidence, but the number one biggest reason why the market is so hot is because the listings are at a premium. There’s a massive inventory shortage in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island, big part of the country too. I’m only concerned with Massachusetts and Rhode Island because that’s my service area, but there’s a massive inventory shortage.

John: You’re dealing with supply and demand right now

Ken: Supply and Demand. The demand is high, the supply is low we all know how that works, economics 101 it causes the prices to be a little higher average market time is down to a month, 33 days I think is my average in the last year. We’re getting like 98.6% of the asking price, so people are paying all the money because there aren’t a lot of opportunities to look at other things. Now a lot of my folks john that are buying properties are selling their previous property to get a bigger one, a smaller one whatever the case may be. So the good news is  the seller is getting all the dollar for their property, they can go out and get a few more bucks. Unfortunately, some of these people forget that just because you’re changing your hate from a seller hat to a buyer hat, the market is still the same you’re gonna pay too much for the next house. The good news is you’ve got more money to put into the deal. The reason the market is in fire is consumer confidence, low interest rates, massive inventory shortage. So, for anybody looking to sell, call the Mongeon Juice (508)-677-1600 at KAM realty. If you’re looking to buy, you need to get on it get your pre-approval letter. And that’s why the market is hot, there’s a shortage of houses. It can’t change tomorrow, there isn’t gonna be any alien spacecraft flying over southeastern new England dropping a million houses for sale tonight. So, this is gonna continue for a while. If you’re going to be relocating, retiring, whatever the case may be, cash out now.

John: it’s a great time. Alright reach out to ken you know where to find him, number at the bottom of the screen, and when you do find your dream home, reach out to us, you need home insurance and we’ll help you out with that as well. Thanks Again Ken

Ken: Peace! Thanks again John.


This video is part of an ongoing series dedicated to helping families and individuals answer many questions they may have in regards to the Home Buying process.

At Lapointe Insurance, we have a long history of working with real estate professionals and protecting their clients. That history gives us the unique experience and expertise to provide comprehensive answers to your questions. Through a plan that includes working with you to understand your unique needs, we can help ease your mind as you traverse through the home buying process.

If you would like to speak with our MA or RI  insurance specialists, please call us at (508) 678-8341 or click here to begin the process by filling out the form.

If you would like to contact Ken,  Call (508)-264-9811 or email him at

Thank You,
John Lapointe
Account Excecutive



