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Frequently Asked Questions

Finding the right information about insurance can be hard and at times overwhelming. That is what makes an independent insurance agent so valuable. We don’t work for the insurance companies, we work for YOU. We have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions here, and our responses to them. If you don’t find your question answered here, feel free to contact us through our website, or call at any time (508) 678-8341.

What is a deductible, and what one should I carry?

In the event of an insurance claim, the deductible is the amount that a policyholder must pay before the insurance company begins to pay. We typically recommend that our clients carry a $1,000 deductible on their insurance, depending on their current situation and ability to pay that amount in an at-fault accident. Avoiding claims protects your driving record, so you really only want to file a claim when there is significant damage.  A higher deductible will lower annual premiums, saving you money in the long run. As always, it is best to check with your agent to see what the right policy is for your particular situation.

How can I make my insurance less expensive?

The three most effective ways to keep insurance affordable while maintaining the right coverage are to: 1. Increase your deductibles. 2. Make sure you are taking advantage of safety discounts. 3. Don’t file claims often. As always, chat with your independent agent to see if you have the best policy for your needs.

I’m considering buying soon, what should I do first?

Contact us and we are happy to introduce you to the right person for the job! We work with an amazing team of professionals in the area. Whether you are in need of a realtor, mortgage lender, closing attorney, an accountant, financial adviser, or car dealer, we will connect you with the right person for your needs.

My teenager just started driving, how can I make the car insurance affordable?

It usually makes to add your teen as a driver to your existing policy, but only after they get a permanent license. If you’re driving an expensive car, it might make more financial sense to buy your teen a safe, older vehicle and get them a policy of them own.

Will my insurance cover someone borrowing my car?

As long as the driver has your permission to borrow the car then yes they will be covered.  If they’re involved in a minor accident, your liability and collision coverage would kick in.

When should I file a claim? And who should I call in the event of a claim?

You should always chat with your agent for any kind of small claim first. When an accident happens and you suffer an injury or property damage, a claim must be filed. But if it is a small fender bender, chat with your agent about deductibles, how this claim might affect your driving record, and insurance surcharges. Then compare that cost with paying for the claim out of pocket. This is where an independent insurance agent can really add value.